Measures Ref. Packaging
1: Slender fingers 130338 72 IU
2: Thicker fingers 130339 72 IU
3: Thickest fingers 130340 52 IU
4: Slender hands and limbs 130341 30UI
5: Arms 130342 30UI
6: Head and legs 130343 28 IU
7: Leg 130344 16 IU
8: Trunk 130345 16 IU

Novofix® Tubular Support Bandage

Proper grip and adaptability

Indications for use:

Proper grip and adaptability

Protects the skin under a plaster bandage

Prepares the operative field for previously sterilised upper and lower extremity surgical interventions

Features and Benefits:
  • 100% natural cotton and breathable fibre
  • 20m long
  • Absorbent
  • Hydrophobic (Water repellent)
  • Washable
  • Resistant to boiling


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Avenida de Barcelona nº 255
08750 Molins de Rei
Barcelona (Spain)
+34 93 334 05 08